

Presentation to MRCAC


Supplementary materials

General Megunticook River Restoration Information

Town of Camden: official town information on the project

Megunticook River Citizens Advisory Committee website

Watershed School's Reviving the Megunticook website 

2019 Megunticook River Feasibility/Alternatives Analysis Report by Inter-Fluve

2021 Megunticook River Feasibility Report by Inter-Fluve

2022 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant proposal "Pipeline Megunticook Watershed Flood Resiliency and Habitat Restoration"

Local News Articles and Op-Eds

A Camden cloudburst by Alison McKellar 

A problem we all pay for by Alison McKellar

At the voting site: Camden, 2021 by Molly Mulhern

Camden natives: an uncomfortable conversation by Alison McKellar 

Camden couple proposes fish ladder plan for Megunticook River, Montgomery Dam rehabilitation

Camden dam neighbors turn to DEP for water level by Dan Dunkle

Camden, the Dam, the River & Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Marc Ratner 

Cloudbursts and sewage eruptions by Alison McKellar

Collins, King announce funding to ease fish migration patterns by the Courier-Gazette

Dams in Maine by Tony Grassi

Flooding in our streets: the new normal? by Courtney Cease

Go and see the fish by Alison McKellar

Honoring our history: Restoration on the Megunticook River by Hallie Arno 

Is Camden prepared for a changing climate? by Courtney Cease 

Keep the dialog open by Bruce Meyer

Making room for more water by Alison McKellar 

Megunticook Advisory Committee begins its work - by Daniel Dunkle

Megunticook watershed wonders by Alison McKellar

On old homes and ancient ecosystems by Alison McKellar 

On rivers and dams by Alison McKellar

Picnic tables and political courage by Alison McKellar

Response to Marc Ratner’s letter about potential flooding in Camden by Susan Reider and Barbara Ohland

Restore Megunticook: Heard at the Transfer Station by Robert Wasserstrom

Restore Megunticook to a more beautiful, vibrant river by Tom Johnson

Restoring the Megunticook: Balancing Wants and Needs by Susan Reider

Rethinking our relationship to the Megunticook River by Robert Wasserstrom

Save the Megunticook River Watershed by Robin Harlow 

Save the watershed, not Montgomery Dam by Robert Wasserstrom 

Supporting Camden Select Board’s decision to reject two petitions by Susan Reider 

Supporting restoration of the Megunticook River by Tony Grassi 

The best available science  by Alison McKellar

The limits of confrontational democracy by Alison McKellar 

The Megunticook River and the next hundred years by Alison McKellar 

The squeezing of Camden Harbor by Alison McKellar

The unfinished plans of Mary Louise Curtis Bok. An Introduction. by Alison McKellar

The war on snow by Alison McKellar

Too soon for the dam vote by Sarah Miller 

Tourism distraction: Restoring the Megunticook watershed by Robert Wasserstrom

Water wars: a Camden tradition by Alison McKellar 

What about Harbor Park? by Robin Harlow

When you know better, do better by Alison McKellar

Words on behalf of the Megunticook River by Stephanie Smith


Maine River Restoration / Flooding News Articles

Should Camden Remove Its 200-Year-Old Harbor-Front Dam? by Joel Crabtree, Down East Magazine 

The Little Fish That Could by Philip Conkling, Maine Magazine (on bringing alewives back to Maine's streams and rivers)

Barely a Cloud in the Sky and Portland, Maine, is Flooding by Sam Weber and Christopher Booker, PBS News

Maine River Restoration Organizations 

Maine Coast Heritage Trust: The Rivers Initiative and Why Rivers Matter in a Changing Climate

Maine Rivers: Maine River Restoration Successes

Native Fish Coalition: home page

Natural Resources Council of Maine: A Citizen’s Guide to Dams, Hydropower, and River Restoration in Maine 

The Nature Conservancy: Removing Barriers for Healthy Rivers and Fisheries

World Fish Migration Day: Living Planet Index for Migratory Freshwater Fish

National River Restoration News Articles

'Ghosts of capitalism': the push to dismantle America’s decrepit dams by Tracy Tullis, The Guardian 

River Restoration Videos / Documentaries

DamNation: the Problem with Hydropower  by Patagonia (on the river restoration initiative in the US)

Dams and Flooding on the Megunticook by Hallie Arno 

Keystone: Voices for the little fish! by Upstream Cobbossee (on the ongoing efforts for reviving sea-run fish passage on Cobbossee Stream, Gardiner, Maine)

Megunticook Watershed Restoration Project by Alison McKellar (also on Facebook)

Parker Gassett and Dan McCaw speaking on river restoration in Camden

Camden Climate Change Information

Camden: A waterfront gem threatened by Kate Cough, The Maine Monitor

The Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Camden, Maine - website by Lauren Caffe

Getting on Board: Preparing for Sea Level Rise in Camden, Maine - report by the Watershed School 

Maine Climate Change Information

Climate Central: States at Risk - Maine 

Gulf of Maine Research Institute: Gulf of Maine Warming Update: Summer 2021

Maine Climate Council: Climate Change in Maine, Scientific Assessment of Climate Change and Its Effects in Maine and other reports

University of Maine: Maine’s Climate Future 2020 Update

Union of Concerned Scientists: Confronting Climate Change in the U.S. Northeast – Maine

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